We are proud to provide a variety of reliable coverage and services.
Why Choose Us
We believe that Customer Service is the most essential attribute to a successful business. We educate our clients so that they are fully equipped with the information they need to make decisions in their best interest. In short, we are Insurance Specialists who will provide the right coverage at the right price for the protection of their financial success.
Independent Agency
Reasonable Prices
Who We Are?
We are business insurance specialists equipped with the means and ability to write just about any type of coverage. We cover a wide variety of products and services while offering low cost solutions to cover your business.

Already Insured?
If you are currently insured with another agency but would like to consider our services, we will gladly provide you with a free comparison of coverage. Let us provide you with a quote that will help protect your business and its financial security.
Call us : (718) 349-7610
Set payment and coverage effective date reminders for all of your policies
Our insurance specialists are available to answer your coverage questions
Together we will brainstorm and find solutions to secure your financial future